
I feel sorry for him too.

This week one of my favorite articles in the WSJ was one about Tim Tebow. The writer is just saying how he feels sorry for Tim Tebow because the Denver Broncos are flirting with Peyton Manning, "the Hall-of-fame-to-be quarterback." The writer of this article made a really good point. Yes, it's all business and Tim Tebow, obviously, can't even touch Peyton Manning but you have to feel sorry for the guy.

My favorite part of the article is where Jason Gay, the writer, says "Please know: I'm under no illusion that Tim Tebow is a better quarterback than Peyton Manning. If Tim Tebow were to be sprinkled with magic Lombardi dust and simultaneously possessed by the spirits of John Unitas, Ottow Graham and Popeye the Sailor-Man, he would be lucky to be one-quarter as good as Peyton manning at his best. Even at 35 and recovering from an injury-- actually even if he drank a 12-pack of Meister Brau and wore a big bird costume-- Manning is surely a better passer and a game manager than Tebow is after his second year of pro quarterbacking."

And with that being said, can we all agree that Tebow did guide the Broncos to wins in 7 of 8 starts putting the Broncos at the top? But this article is saying that the Broncos want to replace one famous quarter with an even more famous quarter. Like Jason Gay says "just because it's smart doesn't mean it isn't tacky."

This article was just really funny and Gay really makes you feel sorry for Tebow. Or is it that Gay is pulling at MY heart strings because I love Tebow in all of his outlandish, born-again glory? He's just so CUTE, I can't help how I feel. When I read this article and saw that picture of Tebow I was all
I really hate to quote the whole article for you guys but it was just so good! Just this last part was really funny to me and before I quote it I'll tell you what, I will be rooting for Tebow.

"Elway has made it clear that he has no faith in Tebow's long-term viablility. The Jets gave Sanchez 8 figures for his humiliation; I'd be shocked if Elway gives Tebow bus fare and a bag of Munchos. (If Manning does come, let's drop the Avengers-style delusion that he and Tebow will coexist and rule the NFL together...)"
"...If Tebow is shoved out of a franchise that he revived I can't wait for the day that he comes back and plays the Broncos. I want to see 6-22 passing for 78 yards. I want to see passes that wobble like Zip-lock bags full of soup. But I also want to see a last minute drive win it. I'll be pulling for Tebow to exact a Tebow-like revenge."

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